
Ready for First (FCE)

Preparation for B2 First (Cambridge First Certificate in English)
A preparatory course ready for first (FCE) is often necessary in order to refresh or consolidate your current language level and to enable you to adapt to the particular demands of the B2 First.
There are numerous course options- varying in intensity and duration – available to you in order to prepare for the B2 First:
– It is generally necessary to take 12 or 10 weeks to prepare seriously and completely for the B2 First.
– Intensive courses of three or four weeks’ duration are also available.
– ‘At’ courses also offer a very intensive and tailor-made preparation option.

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Ready For First FCE


Ready for First is a comprehensive preparation course for the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam with 14 units each covering at least one part of each exam paper. This third edition supports students with a range of activities designed to systematically develop skills for success in the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam. Ready for First is the new, third edition of our popular FCE preparation course aimed at young adult students training for the Cambridge FCE exam. All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each unit, while in-depth exam training is given in the form of regular ‘What to expect in the exam’ and ‘How to go about it’ help boxes. This step-by-step approach ensures that students will be fully prepared and confident when sitting the new 2015 First Certificate exam. Contact James to get more information and to book your FREE intro lesson HERE

Описание: Ready for First

– третье издание курса английского языка для интенсивной подготовки к международному экзамену Cambridge English: First (FCE) для взрослых со знаниями языка на уровне B2, Upper-Intermediate. Разработан издательством Макмиллан. Книга для учащегося состоит из 14 секций и теперь включает ‘Writing Bank’. К книге для учащегося прилагается код активации для доступа к соответствующему курсу Macmillan Practice Online. К книге для учителя прилагается DVD-ROM с тестами как в формате PDF, так и в редактируемой версии. В книге для учителя также содержатся и ксерокопируемые материалы для теста по говорению.

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What does the B2 First (Cambridge First Certificate in English) involve?

The B2 First is made up of five papers:

Reading (Paper 1), 1 hour 15 minutes

This paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines. You are expected to be able to show understanding of gist, detail and text structure, and deduce meaning.

Writing (Paper 2), 1 hour 30 minutes

This paper assesses your ability to write non-specialised text types such as letters, articles, reports, compositions and reviews of 120-180 words covering a range of topics and target readers and also set texts.

Use of English (Paper 3), 1 hour 15 minutes

This paper requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and control of the language system by completing various tasks at text and sentence level. These include filling gaps, transforming words and phrases, and identifying errors in texts.

Listening (Paper 4), 40 minutes (approx.)

This paper assesses your ability to understand the meaning of spoken English, and to extract gist and meaning from spoken text. The texts are taken from a variety of text types including interviews, discussions, lectures and conversations.

Speaking (Paper 5), 14 minutes

The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English in a range of contexts. It contains four parts, including an interview section, individual long turns of about one minute, a collaborative task and a discussion. You are provided with stimulus material such as photographs and drawings. You will normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.

Official recognition

Like all the Cambridge exams, the B2 First is recognised around the world. The B2 First validates your English language skills in a precise, reliable and official manner. This exam’s excellent reputation means that your level is recognised by employers, schools and universities in Great Britain and in the majority of anglo-saxon countries. You can consult the list of institutions that recognise the B2 First:

Successful completion of this exam is officially recognised with a certificate that will be delivered to you by the ESOL exam centre of the University of Cambridge. Each year, over 270,000 people from over 100 different countries pass the B2 First.

If evaluation of your level of English is necessary for your career or your studies, the B2 First will be your first academic and professional “passport”.

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Elena Malyshkina, Review

Elena Malyshkina

James is a very professional teacher with whom i recommend to work 100%.

I had several goals before we start

1 – resume my English communication skills after almost a 10-year break

2 – not to afraid to speak because of the possible grammar mistakes

3 – expand my vocabulary to continue working in consulting business all over the world

And during our lessons we archived it on 100%, 100% and 70% now and “work in progress”.

Advantages of working with James:

– Native speaker – faster progress

– Very extensive work experience and professional approach is felt thanks to this

– Personal training materials, which are constantly improving and progressing

– Very diverse tips on how to progress independently in between classes

– It is always a pleasure to work with a person who understands his mission

– James’ interest in student development is always felt

I highly recommend working and have progressed in English with James!

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We have been working with Jimmi since October 2021. He is an excellent teacher who is ready to adapt to your wishes. We had excellent and productive IELTS preparation classes and had wonderful conversational classes where we discussed various topics and our hobbies. It turned out that Jimmi loves music and Formula 1, just like me. Classes are fun and fruitful!


“Смело могу рекомендовать James кака репетитора английского языка. 

Открытый и доброжелательный человек. Общение идет только на английском, так как другого языка он не знает. Объясняет все доходчиво и понятно. Преподаватель адаптирует стили ведения урока под знания ученика, знаю так как мой сын также учился у James.

Нет напряжения и отношения- я учитель, ты ученик. С James ты изучаешь настоящий английский –английский.

Nikita Mukhin, review

Nikita Mukhin

После 2,5 лет в международной школе у 12- летнего сына был приличный уровень английского, поэтому когда мы прервали обучение там, стали искать репетитора “native speaker”. Джимми Монк стал настоящей находкой для нас! Два урока в неделю по скайпу в течение года позволили не только сохранить набранный уровень, но и существенно продвинуться в лексике. Очень важно, что сын слышал от учителя “настоящий британский английский”, не отягощенный акцентом.

Через год, вернувшись в международную школу, сын смог успешно сдать вступительный тест и не испытывал значительных сложностей в общении с преподавателями и своими позврослевшими англоговорящими одноклассниками. Спасибо Джимми за это!

student review polina mark and

Polina Mark and Kira

James у нас семейный учитель английского языка. Мне как фешн блогеру необходимо много коммуницировать с людьми. James мне помог быстро подтянуть уровень разговорного английского, сделать мое произношение лучше, а также адаптировал уроки под мою сферу деятельности. Очень благодарна за это и продолжаю совершенствовать язык.
А с детьми коннект с учителем произошел сразу же. Марк и Кира разговаривают с James как с другом обо всем, что сами захотят обсудить.
Как итог – мгновенный результат, с большим удовольствием. Дети пришли почти с 0 и через 1.5 года говорят на свободном разговорном.
Instagram @poliero.polina
yulia photo

Yulia Anisakharova,

Moscow Russia

When I started learning English with James my speaking skills were so poor, that I asked him to work on General English instead of Marketing. I felt very uncomfortable while speaking. Months were passing by, James was providing me with such complex topics, which I almost never speak about in Russian. I struggled with discussing them. But in 3 months I was able to easily go through a job interview! I haven’t even realised when I became such confident! And James provided me with useful idioms, such expressions that natives use, like “I’m in between jobs” instead of “I don’t work currently”. Also, I want to mention that James is an incredibly interesting person to talk to! He has more than 20 years of travelling experience and so many brilliant stories to tell from there! So I’m very happy that I could learn from him!

Yulia Anisakharova,

Moscow, Russia




Business English was what I wanted, But not just business I wanted pacifically Law. And James organized a perfect course for me and gave me all the vocabulary and grammar used for law. We studied for 6 months. What I like about James is he will just do things as and when needed. We work on my pronunciation and fluency and confidence It only took 6 months to get my fluency perfect. James is a great language coach and I advise anyone that choosing James would be the right decision. Really thank you, James

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For all Russian citezens wanting to become a member I have another way for you to become a member through Tinkoff banking please email me at and ill give you the info needed to become a member