



Crush Meaning= a sense of love or infatuation


  • feel love-sick for someone
  • an intense feeling of attraction for somebody
  • a short-term but extreme feeling of love for someone
  • have strong feelings of love for someone mostly one-sided
  • to have romantic feelings for a person, usually with no results

Example Sentences

  1. I think Steve has a crush on our new English teacher; he always looks forward to her classes and even goes to ask questions after classes, though he doesn’t need to.
  2. When I was young, I had a big crush on one of the top actresses of our times; I even had posters of her all over my room.
  3. Teenagers usually have a crush on famous personalities – film stars, celebrities, sportspersons – as they grow older, they outgrow these fantasies.
  4. Elvis Presley was a massive star of his time; he was so popular that many young women had a crush on him.
  5. My niece told me that she has a crush on the new boy in her class – she finds him very cute and attractive.
  6. After being spurned twice, Sally said she would never have a crush on anyone again.
  7. My sister thinks she has a crush on someone I know. Who can that be?
  8. Joe is the athletics champion of our school, and many girls have a crush on him.

Crush in the sense of break or grind


  • to break something into tiny pieces
  • to grind something (hard) into a powder

Example Sentences

  1. John crushed the can after use.
  2. Add a piece of crushed ginger to make a tasty gravy.
  3. The chainsaw badly crushed his hand while he was cutting trees.
  4. I need to crush the black pepper to sprinkle on the dish.
  5. Crush the garlic by striking it multiple times with the stone.

Crush in the sense of squeeze or press


  • to press something so hard that it is damaged, broken, or injured

Example Sentences

  1. Remove the dress from the suitcase to avoid getting it crushed.
  2. She crushed the cup and threw it into the dustbin.
  3. The box got crushed completely when a heavy block fell on top of it.
  4. Those who want it spicy, crush the pepper at the end of cooking and add to their portion.
  5. A wall fell and crushed three men in the accident.
  6. The years have rather sadly crushed the silk dress, but hopefully, you can imagine it in its original pristine condition.

Crush in the sense of spoiling and ruining


  • to break or destroy something like feeling, desire, etc.
  • to spoil or ruin something like a plan or project

Example Sentences

  1. Andrew isn’t letting COVID-19 crush his holiday spirit.
  2. A girl’s plans were crushed when she couldn’t meet her dad.
  3. Everything kids do, is pure and untainted by society’s standards. No one should crush their happiness.
  4. Her lack of confidence may crush her dreams.

Crush in the sense of defeat


  • to absolutely defeat someone or something
  • to perform very well in a specific task, situation, contest, or challenge
  • to beat an opposite team or party in a game or competition

Example Sentences

  1. England cricket team is strong enough to crush the opposition.
  2. The defense minister called upon the military to help crush the rebellions.
  3. America crushed Russia by 10 to 3 in the last match in Tokyo.
  4. Austrian ski team is being crushed by the Canadians.
  5. Amazon’s new strategies will crush small offline businesses.

Crush in the sense of demoralize


  • to badly upset, disturb or shock someone
  • to be heartbroken

Example Sentences

  1. Rob was crushed by the news of his wife’s car accident.
  2. Never listen to your haters, and don’t be crushed by them.
  3. She was crushed – when she lost the last chance to win the prize.
  4. If you cheat on her again, it will crush her heart.

Crush in the sense of the crowd


  • a crowd of people pressing against one another
  • a massive gathering of people

Example Sentences

  1. We have to struggle through the crush to get the train.
  2. I’m not too fond of the crush at the mall on the Black Friday sale.
  3. I am pretty sure that anyone can get lost in this crush.
  4. My mum will stay with us, but it’ll be a bit of a crush in our house. (British)

Crush Synonym Words

  1. love; attraction; obsession; passion; infatuation
  2. squash; break; smash
  3. overcome; subdue; overpower conquer
  4. demoralize; depress; discourage; devastate; put down
  5. squeeze; press; enfold
  6. crowd; throng; mob; herd; jam; gathering

Crush Synonym Words

  1. love; attraction; obsession; passion; infatuation
  2. squash; break; smash
  3. overcome; subdue; overpower conquer
  4. demoralize; depress; discourage; devastate; put down
  5. squeeze; press; enfold
  6. crowd; throng; mob; herd; jam; gathering

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Elena Malyshkina, Review

Elena Malyshkina

James is a very professional teacher with whom i recommend to work 100%.

I had several goals before we start

1 – resume my English communication skills after almost a 10-year break

2 – not to afraid to speak because of the possible grammar mistakes

3 – expand my vocabulary to continue working in consulting business all over the world

And during our lessons we archived it on 100%, 100% and 70% now and “work in progress”.

Advantages of working with James:

– Native speaker – faster progress

– Very extensive work experience and professional approach is felt thanks to this

– Personal training materials, which are constantly improving and progressing

– Very diverse tips on how to progress independently in between classes

– It is always a pleasure to work with a person who understands his mission

– James’ interest in student development is always felt

I highly recommend working and have progressed in English with James!

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We have been working with Jimmi since October 2021. He is an excellent teacher who is ready to adapt to your wishes. We had excellent and productive IELTS preparation classes and had wonderful conversational classes where we discussed various topics and our hobbies. It turned out that Jimmi loves music and Formula 1, just like me. Classes are fun and fruitful!


“Смело могу рекомендовать James кака репетитора английского языка. 

Открытый и доброжелательный человек. Общение идет только на английском, так как другого языка он не знает. Объясняет все доходчиво и понятно. Преподаватель адаптирует стили ведения урока под знания ученика, знаю так как мой сын также учился у James.

Нет напряжения и отношения- я учитель, ты ученик. С James ты изучаешь настоящий английский –английский.

Nikita Mukhin, review

Nikita Mukhin

После 2,5 лет в международной школе у 12- летнего сына был приличный уровень английского, поэтому когда мы прервали обучение там, стали искать репетитора “native speaker”. Джимми Монк стал настоящей находкой для нас! Два урока в неделю по скайпу в течение года позволили не только сохранить набранный уровень, но и существенно продвинуться в лексике. Очень важно, что сын слышал от учителя “настоящий британский английский”, не отягощенный акцентом.

Через год, вернувшись в международную школу, сын смог успешно сдать вступительный тест и не испытывал значительных сложностей в общении с преподавателями и своими позврослевшими англоговорящими одноклассниками. Спасибо Джимми за это!

student review polina mark and

Polina Mark and Kira

James у нас семейный учитель английского языка. Мне как фешн блогеру необходимо много коммуницировать с людьми. James мне помог быстро подтянуть уровень разговорного английского, сделать мое произношение лучше, а также адаптировал уроки под мою сферу деятельности. Очень благодарна за это и продолжаю совершенствовать язык.
А с детьми коннект с учителем произошел сразу же. Марк и Кира разговаривают с James как с другом обо всем, что сами захотят обсудить.
Как итог – мгновенный результат, с большим удовольствием. Дети пришли почти с 0 и через 1.5 года говорят на свободном разговорном.
Instagram @poliero.polina
yulia photo

Yulia Anisakharova,

Moscow Russia

When I started learning English with James my speaking skills were so poor, that I asked him to work on General English instead of Marketing. I felt very uncomfortable while speaking. Months were passing by, James was providing me with such complex topics, which I almost never speak about in Russian. I struggled with discussing them. But in 3 months I was able to easily go through a job interview! I haven’t even realised when I became such confident! And James provided me with useful idioms, such expressions that natives use, like “I’m in between jobs” instead of “I don’t work currently”. Also, I want to mention that James is an incredibly interesting person to talk to! He has more than 20 years of travelling experience and so many brilliant stories to tell from there! So I’m very happy that I could learn from him!

Yulia Anisakharova,

Moscow, Russia




Business English was what I wanted, But not just business I wanted pacifically Law. And James organized a perfect course for me and gave me all the vocabulary and grammar used for law. We studied for 6 months. What I like about James is he will just do things as and when needed. We work on my pronunciation and fluency and confidence It only took 6 months to get my fluency perfect. James is a great language coach and I advise anyone that choosing James would be the right decision. Really thank you, James

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